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tv   [untitled]    September 25, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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a series of blasts has hit a military academy in the syrian capital damascus with rebels claiming responsibility for the bombing. was a gun games for adults japan a place of battleship for real the polling taiwanese vessels from disputed islands with water cannons. police barricade the spanish parliament as thousands of indignance take the capital streets promising to unseat and unpopular government. and no financial let up for britain is either a new study showing that far from
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a future recovery it's all downhill from the bottom half of us. live from moscow this is artsy rule research a welcome to the program two powerful explosions have rocked a military academy in the syrian capital damascus a rebel groups are claiming responsibility saying they are responding to military operations in the city. keeping force of elements joins us now live on the program good to see you damascus as we all know no stranger to terror attacks what's happened this time. well the latest information we have is that on tuesday morning two explosive devices were planted martyr's son's school and military the
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syrian capital of damascus now the devices were hidden in two separate areas they were up to causing fire to those parts of the building it's not yet clear the exact number of casualties we certainly hearing that a number of people have been injured early reports that scores of people have been injured and killed we know that fire did erupt in two separate parts of the building and also early reports of an explosion near the airport it is believed that the attack was carried out because it was suspected that there were intelligence officers or security officers inside the building now to rebel groups have come forward to take responsibility for this attack the one is the revolutionary council in damascus that has links with al qaida it is a group that is seeking the overthrow of the syrian president bashar assad a group that is also against dialogue and in a statement that it issued it's said that this attack was in response to the syrian army's operations in the syrian capital now for months there have been
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fighting between the syrian troops as well as opposition forces in the capital city of damascus as well as in the country's second largest city of aleppo the fighting has continued since last year march with the daily casualty count continuing to climb. out is our policy there joining us live from jerusalem thank you. for the attack in damascus or comes amid a major international gathering in new york where the ongoing crisis in syria is among the main topics being tackled addie's more in a fortnight or following the un general assembly meeting and our joins us live here on the program thanks for coming on or so how is the whole civil war crisis being assessed there so far marina. well right now the first speaker of the general assembly debate is addressing the general assembly that is the president of brazil who has already brought up the crisis in syria clearly this issue is going to dominate discussions and dominate speeches we do know that
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russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov will be hosting a bilateral meeting with joint special envoy lakhdar brahimi who recently came back from syria and brief the security council on the situation there he made that briefing on monday telling the security council that the situation in syria is extremely bad and getting worse at this point the international community still working on the six point peace plan that was put forth by joint special the previous joint special envoy kofi annan who resigned at the end of august but. experts are saying that it's not going on notice that the rebels in syria have been carrying around carrying out attacks over the past year and a half a major attacks to coincide with major events this is coming as the world body is gathering together in new york we should remember we do remember that the massacre in houla occurred just days before kofi annan visited syria so many believe that it is no coincidence that these huge attacks are taking place as the international
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community is gathering together and of course going to be discussing the situation in syria just syria but also a broad variety of issues as well the gathering taking place in the u.s. amid widespread and american sentiment in the muslim world of course but in reference to the recent video that came out of hollywood that was deemed offensive to islam do you think that could be addressed today at the u.n. . yes i know for a fact that u.s. president barack obama will bring the anti-american demonstrations that are policing across parts of the world that were prompted was prompted by actually you tube video that was uploaded and of course these attacks began and demonstrations began on september eleventh and are continuing president barack obama will be addressing the general assembly also discussing not just these and an american demonstrations but also discussing iran he will be saying that there's time and
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space still left where the will miss him but the u.s. will do what it must to prevent iran from obtaining nuclear weapons so that will be a part of his speech as well and that speech will be coming up in the next half hour or so briefly of the first day of the u.n. general assembly in the big apple has already been marred by controversy can you tell us a bit more about what happened. that's right well the iran's president mahmoud ahmadinejad already addressed the general assembly on a separate meeting on a separate topic. and during his speech the israeli delegation walked out when. he said that israel is sacred the iranian leader also accused the u.s. britain france of bullying iran and misusing their veto power to penalize the country over its nuclear program we're used to seeing the next of his take place when the iranian leader takes the stage in the general assembly he will be giving his his final speech to the international body wednesday but he is of
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course already serving a lot of controversy here in new york city and you don't see is more important than one during the u.n. meeting going on today in new york thank you. but when it comes to the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad his harsh words at the u.n. come just days after washington decided to remove an iranian militant group. off its terror blacklist the organization is bent on overthrowing the iranian regime and america's sudden change of heart over its activities are unlikely to be a coincidence or the view of the policy director of the national iranian american council. u.s. officials went you know public they went to n.b.c. and said i mean working with with mossad to conduct assassinations inside of iran so there is clearly at least reportedly still a paramilitary aspect to this group and they are committed to advancing their political agenda by using violence imagine what they're going to do now that the
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any case off the list and you have all this money that we don't know where it's coming from is swirling around and the next push is we need war with iraq there can be no mistake that this campaign was a campaign to make war more likely this was part of the push for war this adds fuel to the fire inside of iran that this is really about regime change in the united states is not going to accept any kind of diplomatic resolution. well there in new t. towards iran is seeping out of the streets of the big apple as we report in just a few minutes here on r.t. and t. . here in the new york subway you search for the thin line between free speech and hate speech. this is r.t. live from moscow or japan swapped words for action in its island dispute with china and taiwan after using water cannons to repel approaching taipei vessels in contested waters a large for to a little fishing boats back by eight coast guard ships were forced to retreat from a region the tokyo calls its own for more vivid picture of what happened there
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let's cross over now to our teams are told martin tom the pictures certainly to many of us look more like an international naval parade rather than that of a big display of power they do indeed know rory the dispute between japan and china over the islands in the east china sea has now widened to include taiwan it all began when taiwanese fishing boats escorted by coast guard vessels set off to try and reinforce their claim to the islands however when they arrived and came up against a japanese coast guard vessel something of a giant water fight suit all around the area around the disputed islands the japanese coast guard vessels began to use their water cannons on the swerving and maneuvering taiwanese fishing boats then the time we need coast guard vessels returned fire with their water cannons to the japanese
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coast guard vessels after a few hours the taiwanese boats withdrew but all of this was watched by nearby chinese vessels waiting outside the disputed waters the islands themselves are a small group of rocky outcrops unpopulated. and until there was thought to be large numbers of natural resources there the they were largely uninteresting to a lot of the countries in the region however the other resources have been found there tensions have begun to increase there have been meetings arranged between japan and china and they've been trying to calm down the dispute china has made it very clear that they will accept no infringement of their interest of their territorial integrity this all began the latest dispute after japan
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nationalized the islands after buying them from a private owner that caused protests or in many chinese cities china has said that japan should be under no illusions regarding the status of these of these islands that is the case between the meetings between japan and china it's also the case that domestic politics both in china and japan will shoot will swirl shortly undergo big changes and that is pushing leaders in both countries not to look like they're backing down china taiwan and japan all that lay claim to these islands and with the international situation there are also other players including the u.s. who also have security interests in the region all of that means that the dispute over these smaller islands could have potentially very big consequences certainly
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tama showing no signs of a calming down the moment artie's time barton thank you. well there are two we have been following the whole china japan standoff since the beginning so you can trace it back to the very start on our website our dot com we've also got coverage of the big water cannon battle between japanese and tyler needs vessels and more on the peace efforts being made by both tokyo and beijing. this is our spanish parliament has taken on the appearance of a fortress today complete with hundreds of riot police manning barricades the security lockdown as a precaution against mass protests slated for today with thousands of spread to gather in condemnation of the government's crisis conduct but it's not all about austerity with a heavy emphasis on how cuts of come at the expense of democracy among the protesters demanding a complete halt on austerity and the dissolution of the parliament but journalist and author. says for that to happen the indignance need
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a clear objective the same indignados for indignant movement which a year and a half ago was very successful in bringing out industry stance of thousands of people and not exactly against something very specific but against the way which politics are on their way i mean the lack of transparency the lack of them ocracy the fact that important decisions are not consulted with the people they said they had a huge success but it was shortly fizzled out very quickly practically because their demands were too huge were too vague also it will be people undoubtedly probably thousands of people so yes there are sounder resentments against the government the spanish government is trying to resist that because they know it's some popular but i'm afraid it will probably go to the to the dictates of brussels once again and we'll have more maybe that's races and all that sort of thing. you're watching r t
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will be back in just a sec. gracefully dancing across the arctic tundra more than just a scenic image it is a way of life traditionally the people are. herders and though in many ways they. are also highly skilled and organized. the response is depending. on the day we found this particularly camp they were settled near the coast of the see here four families work together to manage nearly a thousand reindeer herding reindeer is not just a job for the people in fact it's a part of their entire culture and way of life and they can use almost every single
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part of the reindeer to help them survive. the deer is a means of transportation. with. the life in the tundra is harsh and so before winter hits many of the children are helicoptered to the center of the district for boarding school. students learn different languages utilize modern technologies through specialized grant programs and even learn arts skills all within a protected the school was founded. a scientist who wanted a better way of life for his people but even with the most progressive ideas and education many say they don't want to trade the modern life. i have returned to the tundra and i actually like it here if you're outside there's fresh air fresh water looks at the site you can see deer it's
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a joyful sight. sentiment that hopefully ensures that russia's northern reindeer will have caretakers for generations to come. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. sigrid laboratory to mccurry was able to build a new most sophisticated robot which. doesn't give a dollar amount anything mission to teach creation why it should care about humans
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and. this is why you should care only dot com it's good to have you with us here on our. recovery and prosperity so european promise with a catch the snag being years of austerity and cuts but if you're in the bottom half of the household income chart it looks like you don't have much to look forward to financially either way. the scribes and economic recovery that may leave many behind. britain's in the midst of a double dip recession and everybody feeling the pinch or all of a chilling new research survey shows that the gap between britain's rich and poor is widening in fact if you're one of the middle income or low income families in the get to tighten your belt even further it's still there by twenty twenty an average low income family could see their net income full by as much as fifteen
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percent i think is really worrying for low income households because it shows that we don't just have a growth problem if you like in the u.k. shows that even once growth kick in households across the bottom half are going to be poor in twenty twenty than they were in twenty or now also alarming about this latest research is that it's based on very generous assumptions about the future growth in britain now what that means is that even if person manages to repeat and give this to the economy to start slowly dragging its way out of this recession the not everybody is going to benefit and the ones who are going to be hardest hit going to be those middle income and low income families now in an age of thirty britons government's been accused of waging war on britain's poor chancellor george osborne wants to cut a further ten billion from the welfare budget again having the knock on effect to the middle income low income families who need the support the most. important right what if you would like to get to the root of the financial troubles rocking
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europe you can always just stay with us for the cars report the latest edition focuses on how banks are continuing to exploit the world's most wonderful here's a taste of what's coming up in about an hour and fifteen minutes. lloyd's anti-fraud boss who stole two point four million pounds told police she deserved cash for long hours the fraud took place during the financial crisis when boyd's itself was receiving substantial amounts of taxpayer money so again. this woman for some reason gets arrested and sent to five years in prison for doing the same exact thing that ironically or not her bank was receiving billions and billions of these taxpayer money out here to bail out for their own fraud that's the way things get at the end of. organized talk or say is that those who are actually doing something to benefit society as this woman is obviously doing to try to put lines out of business and i see fantastically here in the city of london that thousands of
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caucus stock or c. bankers investment bankers will now be laid off this is fantastic this means that we are doing our job so that george osborne and david cameron i say that we're here we're on a mission to put the city of london completely out of business so far the news is good all those people are being shipped out of the city they're being forced to get a real job shucking oysters down to cornwall and making cornish pasty for a living and that's the way it should be because they're just caucus talking to terrorists. so it's six twenty pm here in moscow no american made and he muslim film of the protests that followed it are galvanizing culture war rooms on both sides of the atlantic space in new york has become the latest battlefield to use an associate is in the big apple to gauge the locals reaction. these ads calling for the defeat of jihad are being put up in tents some way stations in new york the messages cost over more than six
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thousand dollars and come from a group that's accused of sparking hate by critics but has been given the green light by new york authorities only going up this monday the ads are already causing much debate are they too offensive to the muslim community or does freedom of speech conquer all let's find out what new yorkers have to say about this i'm shocked that that mayor bloomberg and his people are allowing it's just going to lead on to more anti anti everything it's a good idea to have an anti islamic sentiment for some reason absolutely not but just perpetuates anti people sentiment controversial of course it's controversial is poisonous in the new york city subway system you know this is a city that's been wracked by a trauma for years and years and here we are after eleven years of war still using the language of war these ads are going up in new york subway stations today but what do you think about this. while i support israel for the safety and peace and security of israel i'm not for hate speech but at the same time we have
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a first amendment is there really a very fine line between freedom of speech and offending but there is this freedom of speech there's also freedom of religion so you have to walk a fine line should be inside muslim but people still should be aware what they're doing the anti muslim ads are popping up at a time when protests continue raging in the middle east over film depicting the prophet mohammad so should new york officials have considered not just the substance but also the timing of this campaign they ought to be less this caution and just let this thing that i add as a time because they they are you know they hate us over there whenever you start speaking against religion especially when tensions are globally the way that they are yeah i think there definitely be some consequences well could see how could my things complicated. where they would have an effect on the u.s. i'm not sure but we could use this as something against the u.s. do you think this could have a more dangerous consequence. really sure the anti islam ads will remain in new york city subway stations for
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a month and whether they could lead to more dire consequences than just sparking debate is exactly what remains to be seen. he or. course you can always a follow many of our stories of dot com here's a quick taste of what else you'll find that right now for example our old habits die hard only a month after paying close to ten million dollars for breaches of. facebook looks to be added all over again the latest research means for you. meanwhile another set of andy warhol work goes to a high profile collector who also happens to be the artist's model. it will be a case he soon with the business for now though the migrant fallout from the arab spring is the subject of intense debate in europe with many calling for a stronger response to the growing influx. into a north african border and spoke to those who are willing to risk life and limb just for a new start it's
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a game of cat and mouse that denies humanity anyone in. hundreds of sub-saharan immigrants hiding in a moroccan forest waiting for their chance to cross the last barrier on the way to europe. i've already crossed twice but they caught me in return like you don't see you in spain please let us stay we don't want anything else god sends us we don't hunt is over to the. dogs. he jokingly compared himself to the herds of will the beast and elope and zebras which cross the continent every year and attract thousands of european tourists to the spectacle although this man believes the average european would extend considerably more sympathy to zebra than to any one of dan's. some of us playing god managed to survive but many died for disappear this is not good for people to like you. six metres high and eleven kilometers long these plants was built by spain in two thousand and five with
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a single goal of keeping the migrants all despite its formidable hide hundreds still tried to climb it every week and estimated one in ten make it the rest of the fractures and broken bones a send back of the these guys have no other choice rather than to jump this fans they know that's the worst thing they can do but there is no other choice this fancy with that so aberrate structure buried in any other points within europe to say hunt for birds environmentalist would get a panda no time here it's being used to hans people and quite often it becomes a deadly trap poverty and no prospects have driven africans northward for decades but recent events in the region made their situation worse in the past up to eighty percent of sub-saharan africans move through libya many settling their thanks to more market out if an african policies i think they were better off in libya. gadhafi there's no doubt about that and the new regime that's been targeting
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africans who work at asylum or jobs say libya. these people are looking for a better life just like the millions of europeans that crossed the atlantic to the new world centuries before in search of the american dream. it's not about how it gets here it's about believing in your dream. but in them mass migration to greener pastures some human seal and it is the various convoy artsy. business news with katie pilgrim coming your way in just a few months. mission
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and free cretaceous three comes for charges free to make humans three. free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to our teeth dot com. wealthy british science. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars
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a report on our. courageous and creative. elegance and full and public speaking. a few in body builders against millions of weak immigrants. may not seem so serious now. but this could be a real threat. to. european. extremist. it's.
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that welcome to business we're going to get started with wall street the stocks on the. rising as home prices kinds more than four calls on consumer confidence jumped in september to the highest level in seven months ago bank of america gaining one percent and losses financial company is already leading the gays are staying away the bank's new disclosure rules in the u.s. can follow the hit bank lending on an international scale although the regulations are yet just like the fact that banks are already lending less than before the german of us that bank told us it's high interest rates that are really saying. one of the problems you see is like the biblical.


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